PTC jobs and scams

 What PTC JOBS Platforms and websites to avoid?

Over the past months I checked many PTC (Pay To Click) jobs platforms and websites, as I wanted to see which are legit for my region and which are the waste of time. In this Article I will cover two that I tested last week and their overall trustworthiness regarding international internet scams.

Which platform and website to stay away from because of forced scams:

1. On top of this list is SproutGigs, following are screenshots from tasks/gigs they offer that contain scams/phishing: 

Offers look so good on the first sight 

After you choose one of those the link will lead you to “verify you are not a robot”

Then it comes the “new offer through pop-up” asking you either to download some unsafe file.. DO NOT CLICK DOWNLOAD 

Or to send a message through SMS with your phone number, DO NOT CLICK SEND

In these screenshots you can see scammers work, they offer a task that ask you to click on certain links after which you will get pop-ups that ask for verification  “you are not a robot” but actually they force pop-ups that will lead you to scam links, after clicking you will get your phone to open your messages where you have to send a SMS and thats how they get your phone number. Be very careful because after this they will use a program that will force messages on you and after your reply you will be charged..
It’s very easy to fall in this tricky web because those tasks look legit at the first glimpse: “follow me on Twitter” and they even use Twitter logo to make you believe it’s really redirecting you to Twitter.
How this scam works: 
Scammers send fake text messages to trick you:
HERE is a detailed explanation by verified website that warns about SMS scams. HERE you will see a verified explanation for Norton Security about SMS scams.

 Information from ScamAdvisor about Sproutgigs 

2. Next platform that uses same tricks is Chequity.
They keep promoting same type of scams even after users report about they being scammed (Chequity have a discord channel and several people that work for them in that channel, so after you ask for help there- they put you on ridicule ride and keep harassing you. Trustpilot have many reviews about this behavior.)
Following is a Screenshot example of push-pop-add that you can’t avoid because as soon as you open one of pages on Chequity: this pops-up:
You can click on X in right up corner and close it (if you are familiar with this type of scam, but if you are trusting Chequity and you are not aware of scams you will be deceived and end up with SMS scam/phishing  again).
Explanation by discord Mod is “we need money” which is legit answer, but they should have “users protection” and not be a part of the scam world.

Im testing several websites and platforms ATM but for now I believe that you got the picture how it works and you will be able to recognize on your own if you encounter scams on PTC platforms and websites.
If this article helped You in any way, You are very welcome to leave a comment or Like and if you think this article will be of any help to those you know, you can share it too.
Till next article, stay safe in cyberspace and don’t get tricked 🙌🏼

Your Cyberspace GhostWriter 
