VCO 2024

What about the wildlife?

Property of Hertfordshire HuntSabs

While Addressing the issue of VCO organizers' missuse of information placed to cover up his bad judgment and bad choice, we got to the point with no positive outcome due to the organizer's lack of ability to communicate with users and visitors, especially with dissatisfied Vegan users and visitors.

Even that we don't want to believe that the cause of the scandalous behavior of the organizer is actually personal profit, the behavior of the organizer so far points us to that, unfortunately.

There had been a lack of openness, inquiry, accountability and elements of "downright deception", including stalking and contacting people who openly showing their concerns for wildlife and who care for overall well being of non human animals in that area which was and is their natural habitat.

VCO organizer was and is still hiding the truth and avoiding straight answers.

Past weeks VCO organizer uses not only deliberate concealment but telling half-truths or not telling people what they had right to know.

Organizer's attitude of denial is hard to comprehend as during same past VCO events organizer got feedbacks on problems related to location, wildlife disturbance and issues related to owners of venue and their connection to hunting or raising/herding animals for consumption.

The overall organizers' attitude "We don't listen to the recommendations of public inquiries," 
and geneeal "Its my event and I dont give a sheite what you think"  brought to the organizer very bad rep, 
and he, instead of resolving the issues, took the route of putting the blame and shame on those who complained.

Further more, that attitute is unacceptable not only in a professional way but in a way that the Event in question is amied to those same group of people that organizer is confronting, which leads to more questions and main question is "who for is this event then?" 

As organizer wont professionaly communicate and wont work on resolving any issues regarding the mistakes he persistently makes and the way he conducts promotional campaigns for this event.

With the great understanding that the event is big and that it is aimed at a certain group of people, it is completely unbelievable that the organizer is addressing the disgruntled users of the services that event promotes and provides- in a mocking and shameless manner.

The impression that remains after this whole scandal, as people received threats against their livelihood, threats directed at their children, threats with bizzare connotations and other methods of intimidation- is that organizer doesnt have respect for his clients, and he doesnt have the needed professional training in marketing and PR.
After all these unpleasant experiences with the organizer of this event, 
logical questions arise, as
why didn't the organizer hire professional team that would regulate the resulting problems, a profi team that would communicate with dissatisfied visitors.
Main question is why this organizer wont accept criticism?
As if you want your business to progress, you must be prepared for various situations that you will not like, but you must deal with them professionally.
When you aim for one particular group, you must have in mind who is your target, you must know what they disslike and like and how to meet their needs.
Main problem in here is that organizer did not leave room for a healthy dialogue, and every attempt to point out the omissions -ended in the rejection of those who made complaints, as well as the demonization of those who persistently pointed out the problem of a location which is not in accordance with the vegan ideology.

Furthermore, if the organizer of VCO event want succesfull events in the future, should have to reconsider ways of communicating in public and decide whether the dialogue will change the discourse or whether he will continue to ruin his own reputation and the existence of the event- by his bad actions.

Read more about next location VCO organizer plans to hold VCO event 👇 or read directly HERE

In Conclusion

If the location doesnt aligne with Vegan Philosophy, 
can the Event on that location be under the Vegan Label?
We can apply analogy of vivisection/ animal testing:
If the product itself is vegan
 (as for ingreedients) but is tested on animals- 
that product can not be labeled as Vegan.

Another questionable situation is regarding disturbance of wildlife on the location of VCO event. Location is next to woodland area that, as everyone knows, is natural habitat of wildlife. DJ stage, loud music, woofers, bass, mass of people who shout and sing, commotion... wildlife is disstressed by all this. You know when you walk through the woodlands- wildlife hides... so now imagine the impact of music event with aprox 10.000 people. Does this sound Vegan to you? If you are not bothered by this, please check (uncheck) your Vegan status, as there is nothing Vegan about this.
No party is Vegan at the expense of animals.

This article is published only and solely for the informative purpose, the view presented on this page is based on gathered public information which led to opinion forming.

Photo: Hertfordshire HuntSabs inspecting VCO location for 2025.

Till next article, stay safe and dont be fooled by adverts 🧭
