Tricks by Vegan Camp out UK

Dispute about the Vegan CampOut and why some people feel being tricked 

You don’t have to be vegan to check this article, because I believe many people got tricked by commercial adds and promo campaigns- went on the Event just to realize right there- they got tricked because either they didn’t get what they paid for or the Event wasn’t aligned with their beliefs. This is one of those cases:

 Why did some activists called out the “Vegan Camp out” event as a non Vegan event?

First to introduce why Im pointing out on estate. Organizers claim that venue is suitable for vegans, although we live in non vegan world we still have a choice, at least choise where we put our hard earned money.

Stanford Hall, Leicestershire

Estate owns an instagram page, where you can see that animals are still being used (exploited) for personal gain.

Raising animals on Estate (proof dating May 2022.) Animals, after being used for so called “sustainable agriculture” on the Stanford Hall lands are used for milk, meat and eggs..

The main goal, as stated on instagram profile of Stanford Estate is “sustainibility”

The word “sustainable” can be used in variations, but it’s disputable is it really needed, as majority of horticulture doesn’t need animals to be exploited to have veggies and fruits.

I can elaborate on this topic as Im a botanist my self, but I will leave it up to your own assessment to see are the non human animals being exploited here (screenshots are from official instagram page- Stanford Hall.

Major problems arise because estate uses Animals in agriculture, pigs, goats, chickens, used for meat, milk and eggs. Occasionally estate rent it’s land for shooting birds.

Following are some of events that are taking place on this land:

On May, June, August and September 

Riding shows, fireworks events , all those can be seen on official website of the Stanford Hall

As a side note: no one is questioning where the organizers are putting their money in, but question are all about was it the best option for Vegan event.

While searching for answers, through Government files, Vegan Camp out ownership is licensed to two persons, once it was transferred from one to another.

Two names shows. One is Jordan Martin and secon is Shah Nimesh. 


2 officers / 1 resignation Shah resignation happened on 2020. He hot appointed at 2019. Resigned on 2020.

That is all ok, companies change ownership… 
Now take a look at past finances 

Statements: all info is from public register of UK government 

We don’t own or distribute info, UK government does. Screenshot are obtained legally.

Account to UK company register, VCO merch is also registered in UK database and anyone interested can search UK directory 
We also found through UK government register that some companies that are selling merch are due to expiration date for not filing documentation. We will not bring it up here atm, as it’s not the target of our investigation.
following the info we got about the venue choise: in the past shooting of birds are recorded, organized claims are that because of their activities shooting has stopped but through information we got from 3rd party, shooting are happening during hunting season and it has nothing to do with organizers renting. 

Photos from land owned by estate 

With all the evidence we got, estate, land, is not suitable for Vegan events.

If you by any chance still believe that land is “vegan approved” pls check your vegan status.

In this article is covered problem of the venue/ estate/ land.. the land that is used for animal exploitation.

If organizers had a guts to own their mistakes, and get determined to do better,

but they are actively trying to twist the truth, while attacking people who are finding flaws, pointing out on how to do better.

As wise people say: what you permit you promote, 

practice what you preach.. 

do not vilify people who are pointing out your bad choices, try to be better, make better choices.. if you want to see the change- start from yourself.

Legal notice: 

this blog obtained all info through 3rd party and legal official web pages that anyone can access, therefore we do not fall under any persecution that arise from negative comments.

Purpose of this article is not to downgrade anyone but to bring information about legitimacy of statements in promo campaigns.

Stay safe: Your Cyberspace GhostWtiter
